Monday, May 10, 2010

Its a web event and we need your help now!!!!

The Priyanka foundation is the culmination of: A child’s dream, a mother’s love all to help chronically ill children half a world away.

We are at a critical point in the deployment of the Priyanka Child Life Services in Bangalore, India. We’ve made great strides in two years & need to raise $60,000 by June 30th & fund the following:

1) Two Priyanka Child Life Center trainers and complete their onsite training at the Manipal Hospital in Bangalore this summer;

2)Our Priyanka Child Life Center therapist, working at the Manipal Hospital

Thank you for supporting our mission to deliver emotional concierge services, and smiles, to the chronically ill children of India. We’re grateful for your donations

What can you do to help?

Please go to & donate or mail your tax-deductible contribution. On behalf of the many needy & chronically ill children in India – THANK YOU!