Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Priyanka Foundation; Save The Date!

Please save the date of Thursday, February 10th for our big Sweet Sixteen Fundraiser. It will be held at the Metropolitan Ballroom in Minneapolis from 6-9 p.m. and should be great fun.

We will be celebrating what would have been the Sixteenth birthday of our inspiration Priyanka! We would love to have you join us for the celebration and fundraiser - watch for the invitation or contact us for more details.


Beth Coleman
Executive Director

It's a Sweet Sixteen Celebration

With great joy, we are having our annual fundraising event on February 10, 2011, celebrating the Sweet Sixteenth birthday of our inspiration, at The Metropolitan Ballroom in Minneapolis. This event will raise money to send child life professionals from our partner hospitals, Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota and Children's Hospital of Oakland, California, to Manipal Hospital in Bangalore, India. These professionals will use their expertise to further train staff members at the Priyanka Child Life and Development program that we started there in 2007.
The Foundation is managed entirely by volunteers, and all money raised at this important event goes directly to support the programs and their operational expenses. A key part of our celebratory evening will be a globally-inspired silent auction, featuring a vast array of unique, desirable products, services, event tickets and vacations. We invite you to JOIN THE PARTY, and celebrate family, friends and life.

Event Info

Metropolitan Ballroom, Minneapolis, MN
Thursday February 10, 2011
6-9 p.m.
Music, food & Fun

A Word from Our Chairman and Global Director

Thanks for your help and support in 2010. Hope to see you all on February 10th to make our Sweet Sixteen event a rip roaring success! We look forward to your friendship and support in 2011!

Leela Rao

Statistics on our Program

We kicked off our services in Bangalore, India at the Manipal Hospital in January of 2009Since that time we have served 341 Patients which equates to 1306 Child Life Sessions with these children. That's a lot of children to assist in the early stages of our program with very little staff. We hope with your help and support to grow the staff and be able to serve more children!

Please feel free to contact us at 2730 W. Lake Street, Suite 401 Minneapolis, MN 55416 or